Enel admitted to the Dow Jones Sustinability Index 2009

  • International ethical funds currently own 6% of the share capital of the group headed by CEO Fulvio Conti, for an investment of around EUR 2.4 billion at current stock market prices
  • Enel will also join the even more selective Dow Jones STOXX index comprised of the world's top 160 companies

Rome, Italy — For the fifth consecutive year, in 2009 Enel will be admitted to the prestigious Dow Jones Sustainability World Index and will be the only Italian utility to be admitted to the even more selective Dow Jones STOXX index comprised of the world's top 160 companies.

The Dow Jones sustainability indices are a global stock market benchmark that assess, using rigorous international performance criteria, leading companies that operate in an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable manner.

Sustainability indices guide the portfolio choices of international ethical funds. Based on June 2008 data, ethical funds hold 18% of Enel's free-float shares owned by institutional investors, corresponding to 6% of its total share capital, worth around 2.4 billion euros based on current stock market prices. The ethical funds investing in Enel are mainly based in North America and the United Kingdom (35%), Germany (24%) and The Netherlands (13%).

Enel's improved performance in the environment and social sectors of the final Dow Jones Sustainability World index as compared to last year's assessment has gained the appreciation of sustainability financial analysts for its commitment to economic, social and environmental responsibility.

In drafting its Sustainability Report, which is required for accession to the indices, Enel has adopted since 2007 the GRI-G3 guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative, a network consisting of thousands of experts that have established the most advanced and rigorous sustainability reporting standards on an international scale. Enel is among the world's first companies to have received for a second year in a row the highest A+ rating for compliance with and application of the GRI-G3 guidelines.

Enel's ethical performance has also been recognised by its inclusion in other sustainability indices, among which The ASPI Eurozone? (Advanced Sustainable Performance Index), AXIA Euro Ethical, AXIA CSR Euro, KLD Global Sustainability Indexes, Pacific Sustainability Index (best in class) and Ethical Index by E.Capital Partners.