At the beginning of February, the two Educational Suitcases of the Alpha Bank Numismatic Collection
travelled for a special destination: the Greek School Pretoria of South Africa. The school is currently
attended by 50 students aged 5-18, children of 3rd-4th generation Greeks, while the Greek Community in
Pretoria has about 3,000 members.
The donation of educational material to the Greek Community and the Greek School of Pretoria took
place in the framework of the initiatives of the Alpha Bank Numismatic Collection for the promotion of
Greek culture inside and outside Greece and was accompanied by the donation of publications
about the history of coin.
Event for ancient coins and the Greek language
In the context of this action, on Friday, February 25, 2022, on the celebration of the International Greek
Language Day, the Hellenic Community of Pretoria and the Greek Language Department of the
Community organized the event “Ancient Coins as works of art – Witness to the development of
Greek Civilization and the enrichment of the Greek Language”.
The event was held in a hybrid format and was attended by representatives of the Greek Community
and Schools from Pretoria, Johannesburg, Stuttgart and Weinblingen, Alpha Bank executives,
students from South Africa and Germany who presented works about the coin and the educational
programs of Alpha Bank Numismatic Collection. Mr Giannis Chrysoulakis, the Secretary General for
Greeks Abroad and Public Diplomacy, addressed a greeting. The purpose of the event was to acquaint the
members of the Greek Community, the history of the coin, which uses the Greek language from the time of its appearance until today and to raise awareness on issues that are a main pillar of maintaining
Greekness of the Greek community.
The event was broadcast live on youTube by the channel of the Hellenic Community of Pretoria
Alpha Bank Numismatic Collection
The Alpha Bank Numismatic Collection is considered one of the most important collections worldwide,
comprising 11,000 coins from the ancient Greek world. Among other activities, the Collection designed
and implements educational programs about the history of coin, in the form of an Educational suitcase,
which travel to primary schools around Greece and in Greek schools abroad. The Programs are approved
by the Ministry of Education and Religions Affairs and are offered free of charge as all shipping costs are
covered by Alpha Bank.
Source: Press Release/Newsroom