Excess heat from certain industrial processes represents a valuable resource for energy intensive industries.
CO2OLHEAT is an EU’s H2020 funded project addressing energy efficiency challenge and decarbonization of the European REIIs – Resource and Energy Intensive Industries. It focuses at their unused waste heat and its transformation into electricity in an efficient and cost-effective way. The cutting-edge sCO2 technologies will be employed to design and demonstrate the EU’s first-of-its kind sCO2 plant in a real industrial environment.
This pioneer power plant will generate completely clean energy while saving significant amounts of primary energy and thus also CO2 emissions.
The project will develop and demonstrate, in a high Technology Readiness Level (TRL 7), a 2MW sCO2 power block integrated in CEMEX cement plant in the Czech Republic. This power block will valorize the industrial waste heat at T>400˚C and the project will further study this concept for upscale and replication in other REIIs as well as power generation.
CO2OLHEAT project will:
- contribute to industries’ energy efficiency improvement and GHG emissions reduction
- mitigate the electricity consumption increase
- introduce the concept of circular economy and industrial symbiosis in heat management
MAS will participate in the 5thwork package of the project.
Dynamic Simulation and Control Optimization (1)
- Dynamic simulation of the integrated CO2OLHEAT system response (heat recovery, power block and heat rejection) to understand the challenges of control at start-up, shutdown, and fluctuations in waste heat source temperature and flow rate.
- Control architecture that integrates individual turbo machinery and heat exchanger controls to optimize performance and ensure safe operation.
- Control strategy that maintains turbine and compressor inlet temperatures close to design values over arrange of waste heat conditions and ambient temperatures.
This Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N 101022831