Global Sustain Responsible Investments Berlin Forum 2016 review

Forum conclusion: “Green Financing and Responsible ESG Investments is not just a trend but a sustainable business opportunity for investors and corporations to build together a sustainable, low carbon economic model”

Global Sustain GmbH organized successfully this month (20.9) in Berlin the Global Sustain Responsible Investments Berlin Forum 2016, in cooperation and partnership with: Forum for Responsible Investments (FNG), Investment Bank Berlin (IBB) and International Bankers Forum (IBF). Established media such as Handelsblatt, Business Wire, Mein Geld, Tagesspiegel were among the Forum media partners. Forum attracted the attention of a selected senior audience from finance, banking, investor, asset management and corporate community as well as media, policy makers and associations. The attendees had the opportunity to listen to senior experts from finance, banking, asset management, corporations and media such as: Georg Schürmann, Managing Director, Triodos Bank Germany, Martina McPherson, Director Sustainability Indices, S&P Dow Jones, David Mark, Executive Director Sustainability Indices MSCI Germany, Jochen Wermuth, Founding Partner, Wermuth Asset Management, Claudia Tober, Managing Director, Forum for Sustainable Investments, Christian Pech, Director IBB, Susan Dreyer, Director DACH Region, CDP, Michael Spanos, Managing Director, Global Sustain Group, Yannis Salavopoulos, Managing Director, Global Sustain GmbH & many more. The Forum was a unique platform of advanced dialogue about an important topic between senior leaders. This event will take place every year and in 2017 will be held in Berlin and in Frankfurt. 

In the aftermath of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in New York, the Paris Climate Agreement, the recent EU CSR Directive on Integrated Reporting, the role and importance of Green Finance and Responsible Investing in the new finance era, gains momentum with a growing relevant market. As Forum concluded, Green Banking, Climate Finance and Responsible ESG driven Investments are not only good for the society and the environment, but also for the profits of investors and corporations. The facts and figures confirm that the value of the ESG investments in Europe increases continually during the last years. ESG investments should not be seen just as a trend in finance and investment world, rather than a new investment and business era towards a more sustainable finance, banking and corporate world. The first steps are done. There are many more to be taken in order to succeed a low carbon economy model.