Here we are not discussing the timeless value of good partnerships.
The issue at stake is the core of the partnerships, the nature of which has changed.
During times of crisis – which continues to this day – as a country we went through market collapse, the shock of capital controls, human losses, professional divisions, the bank’s drop in new lending and the torrential downturn of required old debts, the need to shrink costs and the anxiety of finding new resources, the constant striving for stability in an unstable environment, and many more that have not yet been diagnosed.
In all these feelings – traumas that have become the usual loose topic of conversation at every meeting – even among newcomers – surpassing the usual social taboo of financial difficulties, the partnerships have acquired something almost conspiratorial and rebelling.
The value and experience of each partner was always significant. But now a deeper understanding of the circumstances has begun to play a role.
Feeling like some kind of heroes, who need to hold each other’s hand, so as to get over our everyday obstacles together, we try to do what goes without saying, our job.
Yet we don’t feel the “optimism” that some “scary awkward” smiles try to spread in the air!
But we almost feel love for these co-operations, as if we found our partner in life, a discreet gratitude because we found each other in difficult times and we stood side by side, with business tenderness and care not to insult each other’s acknowledged prestige, just because the times became harder.
With insistence, mutual patience and support, perseverance, creativity, imagination, ingenuity, and “Harry Potter” financial capitals, the co-operations got deeper and found new horizons literally, in social media and youtube.
In a society that is professionally, and at other levels, still ill-equipped, co-operations have acquired a different kind of crisis, more humane and selective, without any tolerance for the “snobbishness” of other times.
Yes, money still matters, but the real capital in partnerships proved to be the human values.